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Michigan Ross︱MBA (Partial Scholarship)︱Career Goals Essay
Describe your career goals. How will an MBA from Ross help you to achieve those goals? (300 word maximum)

I moved to Asia because I believed the most effective way to learn about the region was to write about its business environment and politics as a journalist.
I am now seeking a Ross MBA because my goal is to help US companies expand in Asia. The longer I follow the story here, the more I realize that business stands at the forefront of foreign relations and social progress. Trade, especially with the US, has benefited Asia by lowering political barriers, bringing greater democracy and rule of law, and creating higher living standards that lead to better labor practices and environmental protection. Instead of merely following how business is changing the face of Asia, I want to build the story and make that positive impact. I plan to study marketing and help American consumer products and technology companies build relationships, launch brands, and expand CSR projects in Asia. I strive to become a country manager for a major multinational within six years.
Ross’s action-based learning gives me the confidence to complete this career transition ready to lead. Its top-ranked marketing program will equip me with tools to read emerging markets and make decisions. I’ve also targeted MAP and Global Field Projects course to shore up experience in solving real-world business problems and bringing products to hard-to-reach consumers. The William Davidson Institute’s research and speaker events will give me additional emerging market insights. So will the marketing club’s corporate visits, which I plan on using to directly ask executives, especially at Detroit’s auto makers, on their strategies for Asia expansion. Finally, the greatest resource will be my classmates, who will likely also have an action-oriented approach to problem-solving. I look forward to bouncing ideas for action with them, especially on how to increase Ross’s social impact in Detroit.