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Dare to dream. We help you achieve.

Best examples and coaches to build your successful school application.

Applying to your dream schools is a difficult battle.

You are racing against the best from around the world. The out-come determines your social networks and career in the decades to come. With stakes so high, don't go to the battlefield just by yourself. Most of our successful students and coaches reached out and built their applications with great examples and coaching teams, when they applied for schools. 

Having been there ourselves, our team selects successful essay / personal statement examples that we believe will help most applicants. We also build a big team of All-Ivy League coaches to help you in every stage of your application. We aim to bring out the uniqueness in every applicant, and develop a successful package that will get him/her into not only great schools, but also promising careers. 

It's easy to start. Just Book a Free Session with us. Let's win the admission together. 

Our Successful Examples

Most Updated and Relevant Essays/Personal Statements

We hand-picked the essay/personal statement examples that won top school admissions most recently. Each author is on our coaching team for you to connect and learn from their successful experience.

Our Coaches

All Elite Team. All Professional Experiences.

All our coaches have been there, done that themselves. That's why we can give  you the most helpful advices. With diverse professional experiences from admission committees, investment banks, big tech companies, etc., we look at your package from all different angles and make it a perfect application. 

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Lin Yang

Harvard Kenny School MPP


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Lydia Kao

Cornell Johnson 


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Angela Liao

Harvard Graduate School


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Ping Wang

Stanford University

MS. and BS.

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Jeff Hu

UC. Berkeley


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Chris Wang

Harvard Medical School

PhD. Candidate

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James Chen

Columbia University


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Wade Liao

MIT Sloan



Li-Yu Liao


PhD Candidate

Your Future, Start Now

Applying to top school is a competitive battle. You are racing against the best from around the world. Gain the advantage by surrounding yourself with capable, experienced teammates.

Let us know how we can help.

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